Criteria is now using saved Site values NRS6314: Does the Director retain INFO (HDE/HIX) data across CLOSE/OPEN EXTERNAL?
- Friday, February 15, 2008 at 03:29:53 am
- Client is operating 2 instances of Director and would like to REPRO the INFO items from 1 copy of the External File to the other (making all updates to the first one). However, after CLOSE EXTERNAL, REPRO of the INFO records across, and OPEN EXTERNAL the new INFO record information does not appear to be available. However, if the client waits 30-60 minutes, the new INFO items DO appear without recycle of the Director or any further CLOSE/OPEN activity. It suggests to me that the Director is queuing in storage the HDE/HIX information and doesn't purge it when CLOSR EXTERNAL is completed. Research in the code underway
- Wednesday, February 20, 2008 at 09:13:47 am
- When the Director loads a HIX/HDE into storage, it is timestamped with the current TOD. Each subsequent reference to the HIX/HDE causes the TOD to be updated with the then current TOD (the idea is to avoid I/O back to the External File if we already have a frequently used HIX/HDE in storage).
Then, when the MNTR task is dispatched, it looks at the HIX/HDE chains and marks FREE any HIX/HDE that hasn't been referenced within 4 times the Maximum specified in GLOBALS TIMER.
So..client can reduce the GLOBALS TIMER maximum, or we can provide a PTF to either disable or reduce the cached time. Email sent to client.
- Thursday, February 28, 2008 at 12:33:30 pm
- PTF TND42352 causes the OPEN EXTERNAL command to run the HIX and HDE chains marking everything free. Idea being that the next access to the HIX/HDE will cause the Director to re-read the External File again...thus, loading the latest and greatest version of the HIX and/or HDE.
Emailed client with PTF