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Products: Services-Custom
>>North Ridge Software Custom Services places the expertise of our SNA technological gurus at your disposal. We can help you to make the most of your enterprise resources!
Specific processing routines, such as operating system exits
Entire operational subsystems, such as VTAM Application Subsystems
Continued support for completed Custom Services projects
Detailed end-user documentation, as required by the Custom Services project
Past and current Custom Service projects have incorporated database management systems; fourth generation languages; operating system extensions for OS, DOS, and VM; teleprocessing systems; graphical interfaces, and more! You can depend on us to develop the right product or service at the right price.
Custom Services projects are eligible for continued maintenance at 18% of the initial contract fee per year. North Ridge Software will insure that the provided routines operate under new releases of the operating system(s), teleprocessing system(s), etc. and will be available to aid in problem determination associated with the code.
Custom Services projects are normally fixed price bids with a
jointly agreed upon delivery schedule. Please, contact NRS for more information!