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The Network Director : Features

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The Network Director allows administrators to create end-user application menus, monitor network resources and activities, and otherwise interactivelydefine and manage a logical network.

The easy-to-use CUA-compliant interface minimizes training overhead and aids infrequent users with simple menu navigation and command prompts. Meanwhile, testing tools ensure that network definitions are optimal for your installation and around-the-clock tech support includes fast,friendly assistance from the program developers.

Read on to discover how each unique feature enables a more secure and manageable SNA network!

o  Menu Management 
o  Global Sign-on 
o  Information File 
o  Network Security Tools 
o  Messaging Services 
o  Administrative Tools 

Menu Management

The Menu Management feature empowers your administrative staff to create and manage customized application subsystem menus for specific combinations of terminals, users, and applications. For example, you can restrict CICS to a specific group of users at specific terminals.

For the end user, the menus translate into increased productivity and ease-of-use. Every user receives a customized selection menu that indicates each application's real-time status. Simple tools like PF keys and VTAM command line empower easy selection and movement between applications, eliminating the need to continually logon or open new sessions.

Application Selection Panel

Global Sign-on

Single System Image allows your users to view your entire system as one. Once a user signs on to the Network Director, it forwards the appropriate userid and password to any of the authorized applications that the user selects.

Single System Image helps to alleviate administrative burdens as well, with fewer passwords and id's to maintain or as much time spent helping users who have forgotten passwords or logon procedures. The single point of entry also enables administrators to track users movements for a more secure network.

Single System Image

Information File

The Network Information File provides a general bulletin board for quickly and efficiently sharing information with all of your network users. For example, authorized users can interactively post a network availability schedule, update the status of an application, announce a special event, provide a list of key phone numbers, or publish system documentation.

Sample Info Panel

Network Security Tools

Your network is in a constant state of flux - users come, move to new departments, and leave the system on a daily basis - making security management a complex, demanding job. The Network Director provides a complete Security System interface for authorizing and monitoring users:

0 Extended Authentication
A unique "challenge and response" mechanism that improves your host's ability to verify authorized logons.

0 Password maintenance
Easily assign and maintain passwords and user ids.

0 Intruder Detection
Detect, report, and stop password hackers from dialing in or dynamically connecting to your computing facility.

0 Security System Interfaces
to RACF, ACF2, TOPSECRET, TOPSECRET/VSE, and VM/SECURE (to just name a few).

0 Password and User id authorization
Assign security system passwords and user ids. Note failed logon efforts online andin historical records.

Messaging Services

The Network Director's Message Facility allows users to securely exchange information with other users on a one-to-one or group basis. Message types include notes, memos, and broadcast messages.

Messaging Services Panel

Administrative Tools

Network Administration provides centralized facilities for interactively monitoring and maintaining Network Director-related activities.

0 Network Reports
Request network status information on users, terminals, groups, applications, or globally. Ascertain what terminals are connected to a specific application at a specific time.

0 Debugging Facilities
Dump main storage in hexadecimal format and view the results online.

0 Logical Network Control
Add, delete, and modify applications, users, terminals, and more related to menu and network management.

0 VTAM and VM Virtual Consoles
Issue VTAM or VM commands and view the results online for in-depth VTAM diagnoses and management.

0 The LOG File
Review all network processes online, in real-time. Each event is individually identified and time stamped. Color-coded messages signal conditions that differ from installation norms, allowing staff to solve potential problems before they cause harm. Excellent for network diagnosis, including:

=>  Determining causes of terminal inactivity
=>  Investigating users receiving a Network Director message
=>  Inspecting multiple, incorrect logon attempts
=>  Monitoring network elements selecting or returning from an application
=>  Reviewing non-zero VTAM return code or sense information
=>  Examining network definition modifications
=>  Creating historical audit trails to pinpoint efficiency and security data
=>  Viewing applications accepting or rejecting LOGONs
Learn more?
 =>  Network Director Overview
 =>  Network Director Specifications
 =>  Online Documentation  
 =>  Ordering

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